
Dancing Nose Girl (LES Yarrows)

We've talked about seeing someone on the street who you "just feel" has a joke. But, surprising as it may be, we don't always rely on intuition and raw guts to put this masterpiece called "StopMe" together. Sometimes there'll be someone walking down the street wearing, say, a jester's hat, or crazy over-sized glasses, or a gingerbread-man costume, or... a red clown-nose. These are instances where you look down at the camera, back up at the person (who is now getting away), back down at the camera, over at your partner, and back at the person. "Wait, we're shooting a joke show, right?" you say to your partner, "And that person looks REALLY JOKEY!!!" Your partner has a mouth full of chocolate chip cookie but his eyes widen in that "I think I see what you mean" kinda way. The rest is, as we say, damn good thumbnail. The exact quote from this clown-nosed girl is, "I don't have a joke but I'll do a dance for you." Well, I guess, um, sure! ... Notice the way she holds her nose on as she spins!


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