
Raped Russian Rooster Joke (Ft. Tryon Pk. Baby)

With two babies in tow, we found it easier to set up shop at the top of the 190th Street subway entrance (A-line). As you saw earlier, Mocha was struggling, but one thing I've learned is that sometimes you can just tell when someone's holding a joke.
This dude came up the stairs and my now-finely-tuned joke sensors were tingling like crazy, though at the time I blamed the Ben-Gay I'd stupidly let Mocha apply to my jingle-jangles. So yes, the guy did in fact have a joke, and it was one of those where the teller stops in the middle to give you some information you need to understand the punchline on the horizon. This technique, known as the "Ohyeah" among joke-ologists, is usually a deathtrap. Unless, however, the Ohyeah happens to be a Russian language lesson explaining that the "pitou" (sp?), or, rooster is the guy in jail who "everyone rapes." Under such circumstances the Ohyeah becomes entertaining in and of itself, begging such questions as Do you HAVE to rape the pitou, or is that optional?

...from our BABY Expedition (NYC, Fort Tryon Park, Washington Heights, April 15 , 2007).


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