
Horse and Green Fuzzy jokes (Ft. Tryon Pk. Baby)

Ok, after the above tirade I took a cool oatmeal bath, lit a vanilla candle and draped myself in a fresh, fluffy towel. Now I'm gay but in a much better mood. Allow me to introduce the FT. TRYON PARK/BABY EXPEDITION.

Who says you can't collect jokes with two babies in tow? Well, no one, really, but that's what the voices in our heads were saying and they had a very challenging tone. So Mocha and I set off with our children, 14 and 16 mos., traipsing around Ft. Tryon Park, the landmass occupying the area between our apartments. In one sense it was easier— people are already kind of looking at you and smiling when you have a baby. But juggling the strollers, camera and release forms turned out to be for the birds, and a couple of times I suddenly realized my daughter was parked a good 100 feet behind me even as I faked a laugh. Those are the moments you go "My wife would kill me if the baby got stolen" and feel shitty for thinking that instead of "I couldn't live a day without my precious daughter."

Anyway, we eventually realized stopping people while on the move ourselves wasn't working, so we sort of parked ourselves and our strollers and tackled people as they went by. This gentleman told a couple of "horse goes into a bar" jokes, then thought he had another one, couldn't remember it, walked away, then returned a few minutes later to tell us the "Green Fuzzy" joke. He was very proud of himself for remembering, because the Green Fuzzy joke is his "current favorite" (what's yours?). We'll let you decide if it was worth all the effort.

Alcoholic Horse Joke

Green Fuzzy Joke


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