
Hail-A-Joke (LES Yarrows)

I find something vaguely poetic about this video, but it may be just me searching for meaning in this thing, a joke site, into which I find myself pouring pretty much all my spare time. So just humor me (get it?) and tell me the way she's trying to catch a cab and catch a joke is kinda cool, and that there's a lovely symmetry to the way the camera swings back and forth between her and the skateboarder, who checks his phone just as I'm saying, "We have someone on the phone telling us a joke." And then the assurance at the end, just as the skateboarder goes by: "I know a lot of jokes," as if to say, "You guys aren't barking up the wrong tree— I can do this, just not now." It's all there, right? The tension of the absence of a joke. A cab that never stopped. A guy who goes by on wheels and a board. A mad blogger hoping there's something more than funny on the other side.


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