
Flattered Grasshopper Joke (LES Yarrows)

Introducing our LOWER EAST SIDE/YARROWS EXPEDITION (NYC, Lower East Side, Manhattan, April 29, 2007). We’d been meaning to hit this area of the city for some time but could never find parking. Finally Chocolat had the brilliant idea of NOT DRIVING. We knew we kept him around for somethin'! When we heard Mocha’s band, THE YARROWS, were playing at the Mercury Lounge, we decided to make an expedition of it, showing up early to scour the area for jokes and then retiring for a evening of earning credit as "the best friends a guy could have" by showing face late (late for pushing-40, ex-hipster-dads anyway) on a Sunday night. What I meant was: ... and then retiring for an evening of "immediate and often urgent songs, sweeping soundscapes, a sound that's not naive and not ironic, created with palpable care," or at least that's what it says in their media bio. To us simpletons, it's just good atmospheric rock, but we hope we don't offend anyone for saying so.
We didn't get a lot of jokes because it got dark and our camera light, though very compact, turns people blue. Not even a pretty blue. So it's become one of those things you love to show off ("Check it out-- our ENTIRE set-up fits in my tiny camera bag!!") but never use, like a ruby-encrusted antique Japanese back-scratcher. You know, that kind of thing.
So enjoy the few but lively hipsters and homeless that make up this expedition!


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