
marriage counselor joke (DUMBO)

One thing DUMBO is full of is art, in this case taking the form of an old carousel that's been restored. The thing is oversized in this indoor gallery space and can't be safely opperated, but the classic merry-go-round music completes the mood anyway. It's also amazing background music to a joke I don't quite get. Does he think the counselor is telling him to kiss his wife in the office (and if so, isn't that not very funny?). Or did the guy kiss the marriage counselor (funnier, but doesn't sound like that's what he's saying)? Ah, well, it doesn't matter; sometimes the point isn't to actually get anywhere, but just to lean your cheek against the pole, feel the rise and dip of your favorite horse, and wave to your mom when she comes around again. daaaa-da-da-da-daaaaa...


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