
pianist joke (DUMBO)

Here we are in DUMBO with our 50th joke!! Actually I may be off by one but cool Brooklyn hipsters are chill about that kind of thing. The behind the scenes story here is that this guy started telling the "pianist joke" about a block and a half away but was repeatedly interupted by a homeless woman begging for money (take 1). "Y'all are laughing over here and telling jokes but I need to eat!" Now that's funny stuff. Even after we gave her a buck she kept coming at us, upping the price to get her to go away to a cool $20. This was just plain unreasonable, so we did what any New Yorker worth his salt does: avoid eye-contact and walk away— fast. She followed us, but even with our big 'ol camera we were too quick, plus pushing her into the dumpster didn't hurt. Kidding!! Jeez, whatsamatter you bunch of Brooklyn Liberal Hipsters-- can't take a joke??



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