
vampire drink joke (Coney Island)

Not that I don't miss the Coney Island Budweiser Buddies from the last 3 jokes, but it feels right to move on. The woman here represents a classic "Stop Me" moment because I literally chased her and her friend down— they were moving fast!— because I just knew from their goofy horsing around with each other that they'd tell us a joke. And it's a shocker, even an "ewww-GROSS!"-er, but the little dance she does at the end turns a sick joke into something pretty damn cute.

lone ranger stud joke (Coney Island)

These guys all get such a kick out of each other's jokes that I'm starting to really warm up to them, even though they would've beaten me up in junior high school. Speaking of which, check out the kids goofing around in the background.


bull balls joke (Coney Island)

I have to admit I didn't know "cojones" meant balls, or bull balls, or whatever. Therefore I had to use my amazing powers of inference to undersand this joke, working from such subtle cues as the double "ok" sign this guy makes as a visual aid. Enjoy part 2 of the Buddy Series. More to come.


roller blading challenge joke (Coney Island)

A bunch of guys, Coney Island, empty cans of Bud all over the table and no wives in sight; you just know there's some jokes to be had. At first, though, we just got made fun of, but when we explained that it's not those kinds of jokes we were looking for the boys started remembering. Aside: I just couldn't get the word "buddies" out of my head as we shared this quality time.


falling monkey joke (Coney Island)

First off, let me apologize for the wind sound on all the Coney Island beach jokes. We promise to get a better wind cover thingy for the mic! As far as the joke goes, I'm not sure whose saying "Awwww" at the end but I think she really feels for the poor monkeys.

emotion party joke (Coney Island)

This is a straight up great joke and is certainly dedicated to all our New Joizy fans. You need the right accent to pull off this punchline and she's dead on. As a New Jersey boy myself, I feel proud. (PS: Don't be ashamed to replay the punch line if you don't get it the first time.)

buddhist hotdog joke (Coney Island)

Talk about a joke being a window into a person's personality. This guy, with his deadpan, no-frills delivery, seems The Person to be telling This Joke.


super sex joke (Coney Island)

The Coney Island leg of the tour is now in full swing with this guy's "super sex" joke. He tells several jokes (that will be featured later) that I would consider "old guy" jokes. Not because he's old, but the joke has a similar quality as those my grandfather would spontaneously tell in a crowd of 1 or more. The fact that I stepped in horse shit as I backed away at the end of his joke somehow seemed appropriate.

4 gay guys on a bar stool joke (Coney Island)

I get pleasure from assigning the longest joke title to the shortest joke. That's just me. Otherwise, nothing like a good old fashion homophobic joke to get your day started. Hey, we just post 'em.

blow job joke (plus bonus jo joke!) (Coney Island)

How some guys get pretty women will remain one of the great mysteries. The woman here must find him amusing on some level but clearly wants to be in a different country when he tells the first "appropriate" joke.

condiment joke (Coney Island)

My wife reminded me that this joke was featured in the movie Pulp Fiction. I have no memory for that stuff so I throw that in for all the people who like to say, "Oh yeahhhh..." What I like is the little girl on the blanket who barely acknowledges the fact that her (sister? aunt?) is telling a joke to two strange dudes with a fancy camera.


didja hear jokes (Coney Island)

Often times people need a little noodging to tell a joke. Not this guy. Considering his demand for an audience ("shhhh-- wait, I need concentration!") I was amazed how wet-noodle his jokes are. But you gotta give him points for doing about as much as anybody can with the material, and for having friends who give very honest feedback.

george bush cheeseburger joke (Central Park)

Not only do I love this joke but the guy is just so damn likeable. You just know he's funny all the time. The best jokes aren't about the punch line-- they make you laugh right in the middle of the telling, or harder the second or third time you hear someone tell it. The slap on the girlfriend's (wife's??) leg is cute as hell. Watch it again, you'll see what I mean.


a france joke, not french joke! (Central Park)

Don't ask me-- there were not only a lot of french speaking people in central park that day, but also people with France on the brain. My apologies to the french people who might have overheard this guy. He's lucky some French lady didn't make him swallow the frisbee!

giraffe balls joke (Central Park)

This guy was lounging in the sun and looked way too rock star to have a joke but Big Todd insisted on approaching him and his girlfriend. As the dutiful camera guy, I followed, feeling like a loser ("heh, heh-- yep, just a couple of wacky guys looking for jokes-- that's us!") but was surprised he had one ready to go! I love that he just stayed lying down lounging in the sun-- all casual, all cool-- and I love the way he says, "giraffe."


yet another french joke (Central Park)

I feel like a jerk just calling these jokes "french jokes" but neither of us doing the shooting that day speak french so we have no idea what they mean. Awkward indeed is the moment a person speaks the punch line of their foreign-language joke. You smile because you know it was a joke, but you know they know you don't know what they're saying. So you can't fake the laugh but... you get the picture.

gay horse joke (take 2) (Central Park)

We heard from about 12 people in Central park for this particular batch of "Stop Me..." jokes, and two people told the same joke. What are the chances? ... Or so I thought. It turns out this is the joke I've been telling everyone because it's just so damn fun to say "Hayyyyyyyyy!"


jewish dilemma joke (Central Park)

gay horse joke (take 1) (Central Park)

penis joke (Central Park)

other french joke (Central Park)

french joke (Central Park)


hurt blond joke (Central Park)

freudian slip joke (Central Park)

train food joke (Central Park)

bear chases rabbit joke (Central Park)

suppository joke (Central Park)