
Dentist Sex Joke (Hamptons)

Something like 8 months ago I went to the dentist. He told me I had a small cavity that would need to be filled either during that visit or the next. I'm the kind of guy who likes to get things over with, but I'm even more the kind of guy that really doesn't like dental work.
In other people it's fine. When a friend says he's on the way to the dentist and is nervous I usually just say, "Oh you'll be fine," and go back to whatever I'm doing. But I've noticed when it's me who needs the dental work, my anxiety level is quite a bit higher, and I want to talk about it a lot more than when it's my friend. My wife will attest to this.
So when I said to Dr. Piatrowski, "You know what? Let's do it next time," I basically signed up my wife for 8 months of talking me down, and myself for hoping I get hit by a bus in the mean time.
Welp, buses have been swerving to avoid me and tomorrow I get my cavity filled. I realize it's unlikely this little tale of woe will elicit much sympathy, especially from all those friends I absentmindedly reassured. But maybe this dentist joke is just the thing I need to remind me that dentists are just people too, people who laugh and feel and make love and have sex and call their moms and make love and have intercourse, just like the rest of us. And when all's said and done my fear is about as justified as the chocolate milk I just drank with those two-bite brownies.


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