
Victor; The Next Dork On The Totem Pole?

So the three of us StopMe creators sat down with a dude named Victor and a dude named Ryan last night at The Underground Lounge on 107th Street to talk about our future. Chocolat met Victor at the UL the other night and was pretty jazzed about how jazzed Victor is about the site. "He even wants to do a documentary about us." I didn't really believe Chocolat because he's a pretty bad liar, but it turns out Victor is not only a real person but is in fact jazzed. He even has ideas about StopMe's New Direction (to Victor: no, it's not going to be called "Funny Bones"!), and is ready to commit time, energy and equipment for a piece of the golden pie.
Ryan, as a manager of the UL, was there to commit a date for our first Major Event. We'll be calling it the Major Event until we think of a better name, but for all intents and purposes think of this as our coming out party, to take place at the UL in late September.
So time will tell if Victor can manage to integrate himself into our very exclusive country club-ish kind of production company, where young boys in crisp white collars bring us sidecars as we deal the cards for another round of hearts. Oh, wait, that's not my life-- I'm thinking of that Matt Dillon movie.
The truth is that we can use some new blood, as I've pretty much had it with these motherfuckers. I mean, here we are creeping (literally) up to 40, flitting all over town asking "do you know any jokes do you know any jokes do you know any jokes?" referring to each other as ice-cream flavors all the while. Enough already, right?
Victor, help.


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