
Pussy Joke (Upper West Side)

Ok, Regular-sized Todd here. Look, I'm not the blogger that Mocha is. Those New Years Eve posts were clever, contained amusing or informative links, and even managed to place the jokes in some kind of anthropological context much of the time. I'm not saying the guy's a genius, but I'll give him clever any day. So with that kind of pressure on my shoulders, I'm actually grateful that it's the Upper West Side jokes I'm charged with bringing you. These jokes, told by people who frequent bars alone, before 8pm and on weekdays (ok, Thursday is almost a weekend but trust me, half these dudes were there on Wednesday too) are, shall we say, on the less-refined end of things. Like me. I mean, uh, like I.
Take "Pussy Joke." The man is so classy as to tell the joke only when he thinks the camera is off. When he knows it's back on, though? Ah, what the hell, "Who's got two thumbs and likes to eat pussy?"


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