
Priest and Rabbi Joke (Yale)

Alrighty, here's the first joke of the Thanksgiving expedition to Yale! Like the Columbia expedition, New Haven was a tough nut to crack, but once we broke through, we heard a few beauts. Here was another joke we couldn't believe we were hearing. This guy was waiting for the bus near Chapel Street, and when he started in on this one, we seriously thought he was pulling our chain. Enjoy!


Korean Joke (Harlem/Columbia)

This is the last joke from the Columbia U library steps, and the last from the Harlem/Columbia expedition. As we've established, what's interesting about most jokes here is the delivery, and this one's no exception. Stay tuned for jokes from Columbia's rival to the north, Yale.

Frog Joke (Harlem/Columbia)

Alright, we're winding down to the end of the Harlem/Columbia expedition. And yes, it's another one from the Columbia U library steps. This video represents a great joke moment; this woman has a good joke on her hands, but, like most of us, she has to work to keep it going. And she comes through with that rarest of creatures: a funny, charmingly delivered, and shockingly clean joke. About a frog.

Moving to Magnify

We interrupt the COLUMBIA/HARLEM expedition to bring you some StopMe news. Because we love you, we have worked through the Holidays trying to figure out next steps with the upcoming StopMe LAUNCH PARTY (stay tuned!) and with the SITE itself. We're excited to announce a move to MAGNIFY, a hosting company that allows us to customize the look and to bring YOU the ability to RATE jokes on a variety of criteria, SEARCH jokes for content or style, SUBMIT jokes and navigate to your favorites using TAGS. Large-size Todd is trying to figure out the Html mysteries of that universe, but we're feeling good about it already and you can take a SNEAK PEEK.


Helen Keller Jokes (Harlem/Columbia)

Big Todd and I really couldn't believe we were hearing these particular jokes. I mean, the last time we heard Helen Keller jokes we were both at recess in first grade. We didn't even think people told these jokes anymore. So, we have finally have a real Alan Lomax moment here. Enjoy!


StopMe Featured on Revver Blog (12/13/2006)!

We like the people at Revver, we really do. Check out the revver blog from December 13th for a quick blog about StopMeIfYouHeardThis.com!

Thanks for watching!


Blonde Joke! (Harlem/Columbia)

We're sorry for the silence of late. We were preparing the site, and ourselves, for the launch party that didn't happen. PLEASE stay tuned for the sordid, and hilarious (of course) story about what happened there....

In the meantime, we have for you a very funny blonde joke. These Columbia kids, they're wry, and dry, and damn funny. As with most jokes in a particular genre, blonde jokes in and of themselves, aren't always that funny. This one's an exception, and, as with every great joke we've collected since we began StopMe, the beauty of this one is in the telling and the aftermath. Enjoy!


Jews and Canoes (Harlem/Columbia)

More from the Columbia Library Steps. You just know this one made its way south from the Catskills one summer a long time ago. A little borscht belt humor to get you through the day.


Stop Me If You Heard This Launch Party!!

Come and help us celebrate the launch of www.stopmeifyouheardthis.com this coming Saturday, December 16th, at SIP (between 109 and 110 on Amsterdam in Manhattan). We're super excited about the site and we're looking forward to meeting people on the 16th who have a joke to tell or just want to hang out and listen to jokes. Think of it as a sociological experiment. Bring your friends. We'll see you on the 16th! www.sipbar.com.


Power Joke (Harlem/Columbia)

So, what exactly is real power? We here at Stop Me, are pretty much convinced that it's your 9 month old waking you up every 2 hours, just because they feel like it. Call us crazy. In any case, as you've already noticed, the library steps at Columbia turned out to be fertile ground for joke telling. This guy is actually a young comedian who was in town from Boston to visit a comedy club that night. He hit us with a string of pretty good jokes, three of which are posted here. You know, maybe real power is just having jokes in your back pocket when you need them. See what you think.


Arkansas Virgin Joke (Harlem/Columbia)

American humor, or at least the American punchline set-up, is never far from its roots in vaudeville. Further up the Columbia University library steps from the skeleton kid, we ran into Issac and Issac, sitting there with their friend. We thought long and hard about metaphors for American life, and decided we'd best leave it to the experts. With a nod to our friends from West Virginia and Ethnographic studies, all we can say is, "there's a paper in this". Enjoy. We know Larry the Cable Guy will.


Skeleton Joke (Harlem/Columbia)

Once we hit the Columbia Campus it seemed like everyone we ran into had a joke to tell. It was great, but hectic. At one point, we'd just gotten 5 jokes in quick succession, when we heard "I have a joke" and turned around to find this little guy. We're still very curious about the dance his friends wanted him to do. In any case, his "Skeleton Joke" rocks, and he rocks for telling it!