
KaraJOKE Night: Sept 27

Ok, so we'd talked about doing some kind of live event before, and even went so far as to schedule a "launch party" this past Feburary at some back-stabbing establishment we're way to classy to mention (SIP on 998 Amsterdam Ave). We even so far as to invite people to said launch party and even, yes, to show up ourselves to said launch party a few hours early to hook up a few wires and tape up some posters. Then, mere hours before we were due to embarrass ourselves in front of work colleagues, co-op board members, and long forgotten folk who lingered deep in our email address books, we were told the owners of the place "double-booked" and we were out of luck.
Yes, bad scene. But I can hear Mocha now: "You're supposed to be blogging about the party we have coming up, not the one we canceled! Besides," he's saying in my head right now, "This one is going to be WAY better because we'll have KaraJOKE," he's exclaiming in my head, "The first event of it's kind where Regular Folks Tell Jokes! The one on Thurs, September 27 at The Underground Lounge on Broadway and 107th St.," he's going on with greater and greater fervor, in my head, "not to mention a contest with two ways to win," he points out with wildly waving hands, in my head, "and the copy for the invitation," he's barely breathing now he's so excited, all red-faced and sweaty, jumping up and down, in my head, "is as follows!!!"