
College Pizza Joke (PodCamp NYC)

Hey, this guy blogged himself telling us a joke! And we're linking to his blog! And his blog post links back to us!! And his plog blinks back to the grinking clop!


Elevator Jokes (PodCamp NYC)

Stopme has created its very own joke genre: the elevator joke! So interesting is the form that we aren't even going to comment on the joke itself, which will only bring you, um, down.
True, we had to actually offer a $5 prize to get the ball rolling, but considering we make about $5,000 per joke, it's well worth it. (You know what-- I don't even want to take the chance that you believe me and go out and start your own joke site, claiming a portion of the 36 cents we truly make: THAT WAS A JOKE; WE DO NOT MAKE $5,OOO PER JOKE).
The elevator joke. Your floor's next; are you quick enough?
Elevator-Bribe Joke

Elevator-Phant Joke


Yale Joke (Podcamp NYC)

The kinda cool thing about the PodCampNYC expedition was that it was in one building, but there were a lot of parts. We shot on the main drag where everyone had their booths set up, the empty nothing rooms off the conference rooms, the hallways, even the elevator. We just cruised around and at one point the elevator doors opened onto several people just lounging in the hall working on their laptops. They seemed pretty happy to take a joke break. One word of cautioned to be gleaned from this particular joke, though: if you have the urge to explain your joke, take a deep breath, count to ten and say to yourself, "they probably got it... they probably got it... they probably..."


Where Was God Joke (PodCamp NYC)

Running into people we know as we collect jokes can feel a little like getting caught with a hooker, and you know how that is. Ok, so it's not that bad, but it just feels a little weird explaining that we're on an "expedition" for our "joke web-site" to those we know through our respectable day jobs. Josh here not only accepted my double-life as a joke guy without missing a beat, but came up with a very funny joke. Thanks, Josh!


German Joke (PodCamp NYC)

Several jokes on PodCampNYC Expedition cost us something. We paid a woman $5 for being quick enough to tell us a joke in the elevator before it landed and bought two t-shirts from this german-joke-teller who clearly operates in pure guilt (kidding! but do you have a medium; this thing is huge!). No worries— we at StopMe are made of money!


Urination Joke (PodCamp NYC)

The title is perhaps the punchline of a different pee joke, but I didn't want to give it away!


PodCamp NYC!!

This woman is on the ball! Imagine coming up with this stuff ON THE SPOT! Plus it makes a helluva intro to this way fab expedition where we got to hang with the podcasters and fill our pockets with business cards, promotional stickers and such perks as x-rated gum— PodCamp NYC!


Mickey Mouse Joke (St. Patrick's Day 2007)

Alrighty, this is it for the little green men, green beer, and just plain green-ness. Next post comes to you from Nilla and it's all about Podcamp 2007! In the mean time, we somehow managed to extract ourselves from the, er, nationalistic hordes and ran into this guy. We're not sure, but we think he'd been drinking. In any case, he does his best with a joke we all love, the Mickey Mouse joke (do a search for "Mickey Joke" at our homepage) Check it out and stayed tuned for jokes from podcamp!


Cold Nun Joke (St. Patrick's Day 2007)

With Imus's recent firing, this post is sort of timely. Making our way down Fifth Ave, we ran into lots of people willing to tell a joke, but the weird thing was they kept asking, "is it okay if it's a racist joke?" Big smiles. Blink, blink. And then us: "er..." beat... And then they'd launch in. Frankly, 90% of them turned out to be n-word jokes. Really uncomfortable. So, naturally, after about 15 of these, we had our own joke going - "where do you go to find 100,000 racist jokes? The St. Patrick's Day Parade!" Now, at least two of us can claim Irish ancestry, and one of us is married to an Irish woman, so, we're as green as they come, but, Oi - is this 1950? (Sidebar: we're not posting those jokes, but if you have any thoughts about what we might do with them, we're open to suggestions. - SMIYHT)

Fortunately, we ran into this guy with his good, old fashioned nun joke - really a relationship joke when you get down to it. It's topical for St. Patrick's Day, of course, and it's certainly resonant for those of us who went to Catholic school. You know who you are - and you can consider this joke as part of your therapy. No charge, either. Enjoy the joke.

Gay Horse Joke (St. Patrick's Day 2007)

This makes the third telling and frankly we don't mind a bit; it's such a fun joke to tell! Try it-- we dare you not to smile.


Which Baby Joke (St. Patrick's Day 2007)

So, this is where the expedition really starts to get interesting. We finally ran into the parade right around the Guggenheim - four-leaf clovers, kilts, and 9 foot tall bagpipers as far as the eye could see. We started running into these groups sitting on the wall separating Fifth Ave from Central Park, and these people were mad to tell us jokes. We had to beat them off with a shelleldgafish (or however you spell shalayleee).

This guy was one of the first and he brings us a joke that's interesting on a number of levels. We won't spoil it by talking about it too much, but let's just say that this joke sets up the rest of what you'll hear in this expedition in a pretty sophisticated way.


Pirate Joke! (St. Patrick's Day 2007)

Do a search for pirate jokes on our site and you'll start to see a punch line pattern (that's the technical term we joke-ologists use).

Snowman Joke (St. Patrick's Day 2007)

It's an innocent enough question, developmentally appropriate for a child to be asking.... but the answer? Oh my! At least Dad approves.


Whale Joke (St. Patrick's Day 2007)

A woman in Central Park, on SKIS, telling a joke. A woman telling a joke being told to her on a cell phone, by her brother - an attorney somewhere in the world - who's driving in his car. Experience the joke with her as she hears it. We give you the cross country ski woman who wanted to tell a jewish joke about emory boards but ended up with this beaut!

Psychologist Joke (St. Patrick's Day 2007)

There we were, hiking through the snows of Central Park and this couple was seated on a hay bale at the base of the sled run. It'd been a long parade and we were tired, so our first approach was to try to bribe them to get some sledding jokes for us. No go. They sat their ground, er, bale. But, of COURSE this guy had a sly joke in his back pocket and before we knew it, he was telling us about his mother, the psychologist. It's a great joke. Really. Not particularly Irish, but hell, all jokes are Irish on St. Pat's in New York. Enjoy!